Monday, December 11, 2006

Wow... This weekend has been VERY busy for me. On Friday I went to the Cornish Christmas thing in town with my friend, then I went to his house expecting to play games with him and a bunch of other guys, but it was too late, so I just browsed the internet on his computer. On Saturday I got up and my friend made a Mii version of himself on my Wii, then I browsed the internet some more on his computer, and then we went to a wedding that lasted from 3PM to 6PM, and then I went home and was all tired... On Sunday I went to church and then when I got back, I got dressed and immediately went to a singles group get together thing where we were to play lots of board games, but instead we ended up playing Life: Pirates of the Carribean edition from like... 6PM to 9PM, we didn't even finish because one of the guys there had tonsilitis(spelling) and was starting to feel sick so he had to go to the hospital and everyone else was all tired...

Now it is Monday, I just did my homework for my classes and now I'm online and playing my bass guitar... I will have to do my Health Book though, and probably I will have to do it durring my Winter break, BOO!

Tomorrow I have classes, and then I volunteered to help my Educational Specialist out with this litte Winter party thing for the 2nd to 4th graders in my school. Wednesday... I can stay home and do school, there's also church that night but I don't think my mom will be up to taking me that night, I haven't gone to Wednesday night church in three months, when since my dad starting working again.

Thursday... MORE CLASSES! And hmm... Friday, I'll probably be doing tons of school work. And then I'm going to vegitate ALL DAY LONG on Saturday. Oh wait, I think I'm supposed to go to a friend's house on Friday and Saturday. Which is awesome with me. <_<;

But then I have church on Sunday. Ahh... And that's the week Winter Break starts. But bascially I'll be doing my Health book, my Liturature book, and US History book durring Winter Break, oh well, at least I don't have classes.

Oh, and then there's the chance that I may go with my aunt and my Grandma to celebrate Christmas with my mom's side of the family in the Bay Area, so I'll see how that goes. I haven't seen my cousin's a while, so that'd be nice to do.

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