Sunday, November 19, 2006

Wii! So um... I got a Nintendo Wii today, it was a somewhat difficult task but with the help of some awesome people I got one :D

Ok, so I begin my adventure on November 18 at 4:00pm, my friend Matt drove over to Kmart to give his friend Ricky his stuff (Gamecube + accessories) back, Ricky wanted me to wait in line with him for a Wii, but I didn't want to stay up until 10AM the next day... So Matt and I head towards the Roseville Galleria, but we make a quick stop at the In-N-Out Burger and the EB Games next to it, where Matt and I met the ever so awesome Joe Sunrider who was playing Monkey Ball on the Wii for something like 4 hours before we got there. So we talked a bit and then I got to try to Wii for the first time, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to because I have this weird thing about enjoying games on in-store kiosks. Anyways, Matt got Children of Mana at that store. And we found out that they only took Wii pre-orders there and they were telling people to go to the Galleria to get a Wii, RIGHT WHERE WE WERE GOING! >_<

At around... 7PM Matt and I arrived at the Galleria to wait for the 9PM line up to get a Wii at Midnight. We waited... and waited... I watched Matt play CoM... I obsessively checked my watch. Finally, we noticed the line
starting around 8:45PM, so we made a quick little dash in it, so here I am, the 5th person in line, feeling pretty confident on getting a Wii, and then I guy comes and calls out numbers... So I'm thinking "WTH?! Numbers? I'm supposed to have picked a number?"... So I have Matt save my spot and I run in the EB Games and ask the guy about how they're doing the pre-orders and if they have any more numbers left. Turns out you had to get a number before 9PM, and then they'd call you out from the line. And just my luck, they were out of numbers. I felt a stun run through me, one of anger and disbelief.

So Matt and I drove back home and I was all bummed out about the waste of time we spent at the Galleria mall.
After getting lost a few times, Matt eventually got home around 10ish... and we both signed on the IRC... where I was telling my sad story of not getting a Wii. Then that's when Musicman came in and said that nearby Target is selling Wiis at 7AM and they didn't sell all their Xbox 360s last time, so he figured that the Wii would do the same there. I then asked him if he could check the line there for me and I gave him my cellphone number. He called me back and said that there were about 20 people and 60 Wiis for sale. This made me happy. So I tried to get Matt to drive over there ASAP, but he was tired. So we slept from 11PM to 3AM and the drove over to Target...

When we arrived at 4AM the lines hardly grew from what Musicman said. There were a lot of people in sleeping bags and some people using a generator to play Halo on a somewhat large TV. Matt and I were going to wait in line, but it was freezing cold so we waited in the car and played DS games. At around 6AM we noticed the line was starting to grow a bit more, so we decided to get in line. I swears, it was SO FREAKING COLD, my feet were starting to get numb because my socks were a bit sweaty from walking all over the mall. Eventually a guy and his sister lined up behind Matt and I. And OMG, she was so negative about the whole concept of waiting in line for a game console, heck, she was negative about pretty much everything, I wanted to slap her so badly. Anyways, 7AM rolls around, NOTHING HAPPENS! Turns out that they really opened at 8AM, bleh, so eventually a Target employee comes and hands out NUMBERED TICKETS, this time I actually got one and was very happy, my chances of getting a Wii were 99.9%, the wind would have to blow that ticket out of my cold dead hands.

Finally, 8AM rolls around, everyone gets in Target and the Wii sales begin. You simply just had to give your ticket to a guy, tell him what games/accessories you want and then go to the counter and buy your Wii. While waiting for that, Ricky called Matt, he said that you HAD TO buy two Wii games in order to get a Wii at Kmart, this made me glad that I didn't stay at Kmart, because I was given a certain amount of money and it was not enough for two games and a Wii. So anyways, I got an extra Wii Remote and a Nunchuk along with a Wii console pack and immediately run to Matt's car.

We get to his house, unpackage it while saying our "oohs" and "ahhs" . Then we play Wii sports and have a good time. Sadly, the time came when I had to leave for church. I then thanked Matt for doing all this craziness for me and we talked about doing it again for Super Smash Bros. Brawl if that moment ever came, although I think I'll just pre-order the game instead of waiting in an insane line for an insane ammount of time...

So anyways, I got a Wii and now I'm happy. Now I have to wait until Wednesday to pick up my copy of Zelda: TP that I preordered a couple of months ago. Wii Sports sadly doesn't have enough depth to play solo for hours on end. And overall I'm enjoying the Wii console, I just wish I had more games to enjoy on it.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Guess what!?!?! It's Shawn's Random Creation of the Month! This is where I put a picture of something I created in my life... And then you get to look at it and laugh, or smile, or maybe even cry. I even made a flashy little banner to make you go "OMG! IT'S THE MOMENT MY LIFE HAS WAITED UPON!"

This month's crazy creation was made from my hype for the Nintendo Wii.

It's amazing what you can make with three DVD cases, two sheets of printer paper, and some scotch tape.
Now I just need to wait in line for 6 hours to get a real one.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Well today wasn't bad. I got up ate some cereal and watched a little TV, then I went with my mom to go to Albersons, but we before we did that we got a pink paper in the mail telling us we had a package at the post office. Turns out it was my CDs I ordered. Which were:

Picaresque by The Decemberists
X&Y by Coldplay
Blur by Blur
How to Measure a Planet? by The Gathering

So anways, I get to the grocery store, and then get all the stuff I normally get (Sobe Life Water, Pocky and a magazine, although I didn't get a magazine this time). Then my mom goes to Record Connection and buys a Funk mix CD, and my sister got Sugar Ray's Greatest Hits... Hrmm... then I got home and watched Deal or No Deal while importing all my CDs into iTunes. Then I ate dinner (Tacos) and did my homework for tomorrow.

I was going to play Warcraft III with my friend Matt, but he's tired right now and doesn't feel like playing :/

JakeV isn't on now, which sucks because I want to play WCIII with him too, but his mom is evil and makes him get off the computer at around 9PM.

So now here I am listening to The Gathering, which isn't bad, but all the music on the CD I got sounds the same, but who knows, maybe I'll get used to it.

Hrm... nothing much else to say. Tea is good.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Well now, I've been more into blogging lately. No idea why, I just like blogging...

Today, I woke up at my friend's house, because I spent the night at his house playing Super Smash Brothers: Melee, WarCraft III, and Magic: The Gathering. I also used a lot of his high speed internet, since I only have dialup over here. So I was on YouTube watching a bunch of pro SSB:M videos and guitar related things.

Well anyways, my friend was super tired, so I woke him up at the last minute to take me to church today. He wasn't fully there, probably because he didn't get to drink his coffee (life fuel). But he got me to church, and I think I actually brought everything back that I brought over.

So yeah, here I am, typing on my blog, because I was playing DotA with my friends but some stupid noob called and disconnected me. So now I'm waiting for my friend to message me in Gtalk to tell me that I can get back on to play some more DotA. Lalalala...

Nintendo needs to translate Mother 3 to English and call it Earthbound 2 or something. Because I've been waiting such a long time as well as the many Earthbound fans on for a second American Earthbound game. It friggin' bugs me that Nintendo can't go and translate ONE game for some highly devoted American/Canadian fans of a game that said a sequel was in the making 10 freaking years ago T_T;

NoA, if someone that works for you is reading this, I'm telling you, translate Mother 3 to English and release the game in America for the GBA so everyone can be happy. I'm telling you, eBay and the internet has made Earthbound a popular game. And with Ness in Super Smash Bros, you're giving off some hint that you still care about Earthbound. PLEASE! I want Earthbound 2! That 30,000 signature thing on wasn't for nothing.

Ok, now I'm done writing about what's on my mind. Lalalala, cinnamon gum.