Monday, November 13, 2006

Well today wasn't bad. I got up ate some cereal and watched a little TV, then I went with my mom to go to Albersons, but we before we did that we got a pink paper in the mail telling us we had a package at the post office. Turns out it was my CDs I ordered. Which were:

Picaresque by The Decemberists
X&Y by Coldplay
Blur by Blur
How to Measure a Planet? by The Gathering

So anways, I get to the grocery store, and then get all the stuff I normally get (Sobe Life Water, Pocky and a magazine, although I didn't get a magazine this time). Then my mom goes to Record Connection and buys a Funk mix CD, and my sister got Sugar Ray's Greatest Hits... Hrmm... then I got home and watched Deal or No Deal while importing all my CDs into iTunes. Then I ate dinner (Tacos) and did my homework for tomorrow.

I was going to play Warcraft III with my friend Matt, but he's tired right now and doesn't feel like playing :/

JakeV isn't on now, which sucks because I want to play WCIII with him too, but his mom is evil and makes him get off the computer at around 9PM.

So now here I am listening to The Gathering, which isn't bad, but all the music on the CD I got sounds the same, but who knows, maybe I'll get used to it.

Hrm... nothing much else to say. Tea is good.

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