Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Today wasn't bad, definitely better than most days.

First, I woke up at 11AM, I was tired, and so I rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up again at 11:25AM, and tried going back to sleep, but I was listening to music last night, and there was a upbeat song playing and it was making it hard for me to sleep, but I was too lazy to reach over and press the stop button. So I eventually fell asleep and woke up at 12:25AM. Yay! I accomplished one thing.

I walked out into the living room and said good morning to my mom and sarcastically said mean things to my sister. Then I sat on the couch and watched whatever my mom was watching on TV. My mom and sister left the living room for some reason, so I grabbed the control and changed the channel to G4TV, yay! Xplay was on.

My mom came back, and then she started watching her Soap Opera, and some of her news. Instead of doing school, I procrastinated... And watched with her. >_>;

Then afterwards, around 1:30PM, my mom called my grandma to see if she needed a ride to her doctor's appointment. And she did. So My mom, sister, and I went out into town to take my grandma to her doctor's appointment. Instead of waiting for an insanely long time, we went to Blockbuster to see if they had any PSP movies or games for sale, but they only had three PSP games for sale. So make a long story short, I got a pre-used copy Mario Power Tennis for the GameCube at the nice price of $7.50 and I also got some Red Vines.
I was going to rent Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz for the Wii, but it was $8 to rent it for five days, WHAT A RIP OFF! So my mom may buy it for me instead of spending a butt load of money to rent it for a measly five days.

Then we went back to my grandma's doctors office and waited in the parking lot, I ended up eating all my Red Vines while watching my sister play Loco Roco, but that soon ended when her PSP ran out of power. Eventually my grandma got out of her doctor's office and we drove her home. And then we dove back home.

When we got home, I had to do school, but I didn't. And instead I ended up watching this 1 hour and 45 minute long Hurricane Aftermath thing on HBO. It was really good, and I thought it was a movie, but it's some kind of mini-series, so I have to wait until Sunday to see the other part.

Then... 7:00PM rolls around, I still haven't done my school. I was also hungry, to I made some food and ate it. While I was eating my food, my sister started practicing her song that she had planned for guitar class, and that reminded me that I had to practice my song for guitar class too (I play the bass in it though). So I finished eating, and then when I went to practice my song, I remembered that it was a weird version of it that I had never heard before. By the way, the song is called "Away in a Manger" (listen to the version I'm playing here).

And now, here I am, 9:15PM, typing in my blog about my day. I still need to do school. I have 0 of 9 chapters of Health done, 1 of 3 chapters of American Literature done, and 0 of 3 chapters of US History Done. All due by January 4th, 2007 (Wow, a new year)! So yeah, I'm going to stop typing and start doing my school.

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