Monday, December 11, 2006

Well... it's 8PM and I'm bored.

I'm wishing my sister or someone would play SSBM with me right now. I hate how the only time I get to play SSBM with someone is at my friend's house and I only see him on some of the weekends.

Hmm... the only thing that's really keeping me sane is listening to music and chatting with my cousin. And then people are talking about some... goat.. thing on IRC, and I have no idea what it is, and I don't plan on finding out any time soon. They also told me not to find out because it's really disturbing.

blaaah. I wish Super Smash Brothers Brawl were out so I'd have something to do.

Well I'm currently anticipating going to a Christmas Party at my mom's friend's house on the 18th of this month. Mostly because I'm going to bring my bass guitar and jam with one of my friends that I'd like to get to be more of a friend with... because we don't really talk that much, but I know he's a pretty awesome guy. He likes cool music. Oh, and I'm also bringing my Wii over, and we're going to play Wii Sports and I'm going to let him try out Zelda Twilight Princess. Oh, and there's also going to be a guy who works where my mom does and he's a bassist, so that's really awesome for me. <_<;

Can't think of anything else to write... Lalala. My friend Matt has an awesome taste in music, I just wish I had the patience to listen to all this new music he gave me.

That's all I can realy think about... D:

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