Sunday, January 21, 2007

Today I went to church at 9:00 AM and got back home around 3:30PM, like usual.

Um... then I got online after taking out the trash. And I've been bored and stuff. I didn't start my exercise routine today because my upper back hurts. So I will exercise tomorrow. Um... I did quite a bit of chatting on AIM too.

Also, I hate Emo. Not Emos, but just plain Emo. Why? Because I like wearing some of the stuff that Emo people wear, and it's easy to stereotype people by what they wear. I like to wear... collared shirts, (sometimes) semi-tight straight legged jeans, and carry around a messenger bag with buttons depicting my favorite bands and video games. I got rimless lenses to not look so emo, but I almost got bold, rectangular, black rimmed glasses, although I didn't want people to think I'm emo, because I'm not, so I didn't get them. I am however loving these rimless glasses, they're nice because I don't have this silhouette of the frames around my eyes. And they're the next step closer to contacts, which I do don't think I'm responsible enough to use.

The fact that I'm a Libra kind of makes me seem Emo too. Since Libras are timid people that have hard times making friends. I swear, the world is against me! >:(

I blame my cousin for my ranting of Emo, his recent transition to Emo is making me insane-er. >_>

So um... that's about it. I'm bored, so I think I might go play some Rhythm games like Beatmania, Amplitude and Elite Beat Agents :o

Lalalala! ^_^


VorpalStorm said...

The emo thing? I know what you mean. I feel like wearing what I want from Hot Topic (like my cool pants) will brand me forever as semi-emo, goth, or some other title that I don't fit. Also, Libra, yeah, I'm shy too, make friends slowly but surely, don't get along with many people to start with! >_>;

Shawn said...

Libra is both a blessing and a curse.
I guess the lack of friend making is good, because I am bad at keeping contact with lots of friends.

*le sigh*

Ah well, it's awesome that we're the only non-creature zodiac. And both year of the Dragon. PWNJ! I'm so glad I'm a dragon year person! :D

VorpalStorm said...

We're not organic! YAY!