Sunday, January 14, 2007

Today, I went to church, but my parents and I didn't stay for lunch and the evening services because my dad is sick and wasn't feeling good at the time.

Also, today I realized how amazing the song "Dead Boy's Poem" by Nightwish is. It's so amazing, the guitars and strings were done so well.

I also played The Sims 2. I made a Ness sim but haven't made him a house yet. I also played the sim of myself, but the only thing that happened was I lost a lot of money and burglar stole my bass, chair, and expensive painting. GRR... I'LL KILL YOU STUPID THIEF! >:O

Ahem... Then I made a replica of The Beat. My favorite cafe. I haven't put any workers or anything in it yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.