Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I've had the most horrifying insect experience that I've had in a long time from last night to right now.

So last night was a night for me like many nights. Sitting in my room, on my mac, playing WCIII or something. Then I look on the floor and I see three inch one of these running at 50MPH under my bed:

Oh god, they're so horrid looking. D:

So yeah, that scared me. But the night was just starting. Shortly before turning off my computer, I saw either the same one or another one run under my bed. "There's two now!?!?" I thought. I decided to look "centipede" up on the internet and I found a picture that looked like the ones I saw. Apparently they're called House Centipedes. Acording to Wikipedia they have some positives and negatives. (read it all here: WIKI CLICKY!)
The most positive thing about them: "House centipedes feed on spiders, bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants and other household arthropods. They kill their prey by injecting venom through their fangs."

However, for me their horrible looks, lightning fast speed, ability to climb walls and celings, and worst of all, their bite that is equivallent to a "minor bee sting" is enough to override any positives. <_<

Going back to my story. I decided to call it a night but didn't want to go to sleep in my room. I decided to find one of these pests so I could attempt to kill one. I looked under my bed with a flash light and didn't see anything, but then I looked by my dresser and there was one just sitting there. I grabbed a shoe and attempted to hit it but the only thing I saw was a blur of legs and ugly go deep into my closet. I decided that sleeping in my room would be a horrible option so I grabbed a pillow, a blanket, and an uglydoll and slept on the couch. Eeeek... then I woke up and watched TV. Moments later I felt something crawling on my arm, so I reacted by swiping at whatever it was and then I jumped up and there was a freaking wasp on the couch. AEKALFDJFDLE!!! I managed to get my mom to smash its guts out with a fly swatter. Which was very amusing.

And now that I'm done with my horrid insect experience. I'm going to go to something far less ugly. Headphones. Yes, again. I guess I'm obsessed with headphones. Which is funny because I only really use earbuds.

This time I'm going to be buying a pair soon. Why? My mom took my favorite pair of earbuds. They're Koss ones with foam things. They have amazing bass and sound and they're comfortable to wear for long periods of time. No wonder she took them. So yeah, instead of getting another pair of them I decided to buy some portable headphones that I can rest on my neck because I don't like having to take my earbuds on and off when I'm at a Brawl tournament. It's hard to get them in and out and they block out too much sound when I need to hear what people are saying to me.

The first pair I like is the Zumreed Sfit Color Headphones (White):

They look pretty cool, and according to reviews they sound good and are well built. They're a bit pricy at $50 though. Here's the link: Ooh, nice.

Next up is the pair I will probably end up getting, the Skullcandy Lowrider

I really, like the red color but I found out while browsing Target.com that they only sell the black color ones in their store:

I'm not sure where else to look for them. These are probably the headphones I will end up getting since they're the most affordable of the bunch I like (the bunch includes headphones listed in previous blog posts by me) So yeah, you can check out the Skullcandy Lowrider headphones here: Delicious

And that's about it! I'm currently anticipating the arrival of my Japanese import white Gamecube controller. Here's a pretty picture of it:

Yeah, it's going to be great. It's a rereleased product because of demand for it after Brawl and other games came out. It has a longer cord than older GCN controllers and the cord is white. I belive it is also is made out of the non-glossy white Wii controller plastic as well. I ordered it on Sunday last week, and it shipped the next day. I got the 8-10 day shipping, so it should be here before Friday.

And that's all!

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