Saturday, June 21, 2008

Brawl Tournament Recap

I'm in my friend Matt's car now heading home from Sacramento. The tournament was fun even though the one person out of the five of us who went beat someone in a best of three. There were 70 people there and my friend Ricky got 13th place. He could've done better, except he got infinite grabbed by the Ice Climbers. Either way it was fun and I can't wait until next week to go again. I'm posting this using my iPhone so I'll get to details when I have a computer infront of me.
I'm about to head out to the Enders Game Brawl Tournament! I'll post results when I get back or something. Whee!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Mmm... those crepes were so goood D:
That's pretty much all I've done all day... cooked crepes. Yeah, it's sad. Took me an hour or so. But they were worth it. I got to feed my parents and my sister which I don't do often. I usually just eat strawberries and whipped cream but next time I'm going to try making cinnamon caramel apple filling and see how that turns out. Yummo!!

Uh... now I have to clean up my dishes and put away stuff. Then I'm going to take a shower and pack up some things so I can meet my friend Ricky at 6 so we can practice Brawl and I can spend the night at my friend house before we go to a Brawl tournament tomorrow.

That is all! I may post how the tournament went tomorrow night. Depends how I'm feeling. <_<

I decided to change the look of my Blog! :O
If I have the time and happen to not go to a friend's house I'll make a new header because I plan on using Photoshop a lot tomorrow ^_^

That is all, peace!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Whee! I just got back from a Fab Four concert. If you don't know who they are they are essentually Beatles imitations. I must say, they were actaully really good. The concert was fun but I wasn't really diggin' most of the audience. It was composed mostly of people who were in their 60s and up that probably came to hear "When I'm 64". They were all really boring and uninteractive, most of them were getting drunk off of wine and not knowing what is was going on around them. It felt like it was just a big reason for people who drink to get drunk. That makes me angry. ANYWAYS:

Maybe I was a little harsh about the old people, but they were annoying me. D:
Back to the performance, it was really amazing and the Fab Four did an excellent job of mimicing the Beatles. The costumes were great and consisted of black suits, Sgt. Pepper uniforms, and their hippie attire. I wished that I could've taken the Rickenbacker bass they had because it was just so sparkly and awesome, but it was a lefty bass and stealing is badong. Yeah, Beat-Fab Four were awesome and I'd go again, maybe. I still can't get past the boring old people. Plus there were so many songs the band didn't play and they had an "Ed Sullivan" guy that was funny now and then but cut so much music time from the actual show. So you could say the whole thing was very Las Vegas styled. So yeah, that's my quick though jotted review of the whole thing.

After I got home I found a white box on the table. "What is this?" I thought. I walked up to it and saw this on the top:

Being excited like a little child on Christmas day, I was eager to open it up. So I grabbed a knife and sliced up the tape. Inside was a bunch of packing peanuts and an awesome little white box with a red ribbon tied around it that had a tag addressed to "PK Kids Productions".

This made me supper happy! So I took it out and opened it to find an awesome little resin Fobby. It's so amazing!

I want to thank SM.Net for being awesome! As part of PK Kids Productions I would like to say many thanks and give many awesome points and kudos! You guys deserve it.

[Photos were taken by my iPhone]

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's a new day and it's 1:30 or something. <_<

Uhh... so far it has been somewhat eventful. I woke up and made some crepes. I was happy with how they tasted but I think I should've made the batter thinner because it wasn't spreading around the pan fast enough before it began to harden. The result turned out to be smaller crepes than I wanted. But whatever, they were delicious! I put strawberries, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream in mine. I might make more tomorrow morning.

Also I lied, I don't think I'm going to take any photos today. I'm feeling too lazy to clean my room so no room photos. I also have acne problems today and I don't want to take pictures of my bumpy face. I should wash my face more often, that's a proven fact.

Blah blah, card games, blah.

Um... I really like this bag!!! :O

Isn't it awesome cake! Here's a link with the details: Kaja Kaja Goo!

Amazon sent my family a $25 gift card for spending money on their site or with their credit card or something... So my mom wants to buy a CD. I'm thinking if it's alright with her about getting a Kaela Kimura CD called "Jasper". I've been into J-Pop/rock/punk/electronica/whatever lately.

I've been feeling like I'm very un-American lately. Maybe it's just the town I live in, it's basically a small town in California.

Anyways, I'm going to finish this blog post up and do stuff like play The World Ends With You or something. ;o
I'm not evern going to complain about how long it has been since I last updated this blog. So, going straight to the meat of this blog...

As of the end of school, last month, I graduated! Woo hoo! Now it's summer break time and I'm trying to figure out if I want to continue relaxing (doing nothing) or if I should get a summer job. Either way, when summer is over I plan on going to a local college and taking some basic stuff. I plan on doing that for two years and then I'm thinking about going to a college in Emeryville with my friends. I belive it's called "Ex'Pression". It looks like a great place for the graphic artist in me.

I'm hardly into the month and I already have a lot of crap. I got like... 5 games (Killer 7, Shadow of the Colossus, Link's Crossbow Training, Zack & Wiki, and The World Ends With You), a new 22" widescreen LCD for my mac, one of those awesome flat aluminum keyboards for my mac, and some minor stuff here and there. I friggin' love my Mac even more. It's only a G4, but I have this awesome screen and keyboard to use with it and now I just hate using the PC.

Now that I'm done talking about what I got, here's smething I would love to get. Guess what? they're headphones!!! :O

These ones are different. Not only do they look great, they work with the iPhone. And not in the "oh, we made the aux jack small enough to fit in the poorly designed slot" way. They have a microphone/button on them so I can use them as an alternative to the ones that came with my phone. Yay for hands free talking! You can check them out here: !!!

I belive that's it for this post! Tomorrow I'm going to make crepes. I'm going to call tomorrow "photo day" because I'm going to take a lot of pictures of my face to put together something for my deviantART. I'll also try to take pictures of my crepe adventure. I may also snap some shots of my room to put on my dA. I think it looks snazzy enough to be considered somewhat artistic.