Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wow, what a day. I bought some paint yesterday to start up my gamecube controller painting project. Although I didn't paint any of it yesterday because I couldn't open it. So instead I ordered a tri-wing screwdriver.

So today, I decided to paint the plug end of my GCN controller, since I just have to tape off all the stuff around it. Pretty easy. And I did so outside.

As I was doing that, my sister and mom left to go to my sister's dentist appointment.

When I was done painting the controller plug, I went to go back in the house. The door was locked. So... I went into the garage to get the spare key or go in through the garage door. The garage door was locked, and there was no spare key. So I grabbed long stick-like objects and stuck my arm through the doggy door trying to push the lock thing around. No success. After 20 minutes of doing this, I gave up and went to paint the second layer of paint on my controller plug. Then after doing that. I went back to try getting in through the garage.

To make a long story short. I ended up waiting two hours for my mom and sister to get home. Then I cleaned up the mess of sticks and stuff I knocked down trying to get in through the garage.

The rest of the day I spent playing LoZ1 on the Wii VC. And then I watched American Idol and lastly chatted and posted on forums the rest of the day.


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yum yum yum! My sister just made an caramel apple cheesecake pie. [teengirlsquad]It looks SOOOO GOOD![/teengirlsquad] O_O

So um... while I eat a slice (or two) of this delicious pie. Here's a couple of pictures for you to salivate over:

Before the slicing:

After, it's so gooey that it looses it's pie shape when you scoop it off the pie dish:

Yes. Delicious :D

*munch munch*

Yummm... sugar... *die*
Woah! It's a :O

So I was at school, and today the Journalism teacher was absent, so I got out early, and I hung out with my friends... And played Elite Beat Agents with them using the power of single cart DS wifi! PWN!.

Ummm... My guitar class band finally got a band name "This is the shortest band name ever, really." Or... TSBNER :o

Yay! we made a song too, but it's very WIP. But hey, we have something going.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wow, yesterday (The 23rd) wasn't bad. I went to school as usual. I talked to my friends, I gave London a 8-point ninja star made out of post-it notes. And then I went with my mom to Headman's Furniture to look at some couches and stuff... While looking around, I didn't really see any kinds of furniture that I like (Modern and Asian). It was all mostly stuff that appeals to a large audience of people. The usual poofy couch stuff.

Umm... Then my mom bought a $500 recliner as a surprise for my grandma, and a $720 three seater recliner for us (It'll be delivered here on Friday). Then we took the recliner to my grandma's house and surprised her with it. We replaced my grandma's old, ripped up leather recliner that used to be really comfortable but is now messed up.

My grandma, naturally, didn't like it because she said it doesn't feel right on her back and blahblahblah. Basically she though it was ugly and wants her old one back. She hates change. My grandma is, ugh, she's so picky :(

So my mom was kinda bummed about that, I agree with her. So I guess we're going to either keep it for ourselves or return it for a different one that my grandma actually likes.

Anyways. Later on in the day I chatted a lot, and then I got bored and decided to look up how to make a duct tape messenger bag. But then I found out it took like two days and three rolls of duct tape to make. I don't have the money to buy that much duct tape, so I didn't make it. Instead I made a duct tape wallet, but I used masking tape and some clear tape. It turned out really awesome, and I'm going to take pictures of it and use it for my "Yomon's Random Creation of the Month" for February.
Heh, sorry about the spoiler for that :P

Hmm... And that's it. I'm going to sleep now, I'm really tired and my back hurts from
bending over making the duct tape wallet.

Oh yeah, and I got a haircut. It was done shorter than I wanted it, but it'll grow out. And I want to put it all Neo Matrix style (Basically just combed back). So yeah, woot! Bed! *sleep*

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Today I went to church at 9:00 AM and got back home around 3:30PM, like usual.

Um... then I got online after taking out the trash. And I've been bored and stuff. I didn't start my exercise routine today because my upper back hurts. So I will exercise tomorrow. Um... I did quite a bit of chatting on AIM too.

Also, I hate Emo. Not Emos, but just plain Emo. Why? Because I like wearing some of the stuff that Emo people wear, and it's easy to stereotype people by what they wear. I like to wear... collared shirts, (sometimes) semi-tight straight legged jeans, and carry around a messenger bag with buttons depicting my favorite bands and video games. I got rimless lenses to not look so emo, but I almost got bold, rectangular, black rimmed glasses, although I didn't want people to think I'm emo, because I'm not, so I didn't get them. I am however loving these rimless glasses, they're nice because I don't have this silhouette of the frames around my eyes. And they're the next step closer to contacts, which I do don't think I'm responsible enough to use.

The fact that I'm a Libra kind of makes me seem Emo too. Since Libras are timid people that have hard times making friends. I swear, the world is against me! >:(

I blame my cousin for my ranting of Emo, his recent transition to Emo is making me insane-er. >_>

So um... that's about it. I'm bored, so I think I might go play some Rhythm games like Beatmania, Amplitude and Elite Beat Agents :o

Lalalala! ^_^

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Yay! I have just returned from London's house, we had a fun time ^_^;

First I watched her explore World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Then I played my bass. Then we played Frequency, and OMG! I love the Freqs in that game more than the ones in Amplitude, I made an Armored Frog Freq, and it pwns!

Hmm... Then we played a little SSX Tricky. Then her best friend Jake came over. Then we played Super Smash Brothers Melee with a bunch of bombs and stuff. Then we went on YouTube and watched a ton of awesome videos that made us all laugh. Uh... then back to SSBM. And lastly, I realized it was 10:05PM, and my parents were supposed to pick me up at Cold Stone at 10:00PM, so I packed my stuff, and London, Jake, and I all walked down to Cold Stone. Where then London, Jake, and I got some ice cream, and I said good bye and got in the car to leave. I could tell my dad was mad though, because he was acting all disappointed that I got there late. But it was because I wasn't checking the time as often as I should have because I was having fun playing SSBM.

And now here I am on the computer typing stuff to put in my blog. I'm going to go chat with my friend Gemma and my half-emo cousin Adrian.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My friend Matt got back on the 16th... I think. I've been trying to call him but he never answers his cell and I also get his voice mail a lot. Today I left two messages. "MATT! CALL ME BACK!... Oh, this is Shawn, yeah, I want you to call me back, bye.".

and then the sound of my amp being really loud and then me saying "Oops." and then laughing. <_<;

Um... Today I was very bored waiting for guitar class. Then I found out my teacher was absent for some important reason. So my guitar class had to watch this video about blues music, and I was like "YES! I've been interested in blues and want to learn more about playing it." But it was more of where it came from, who played it (black people), and then a lot of elderly African Americans blues musicians were commenting on how much they love playing blues and all that stuff. To sum it up it was rather boring and dull and I would've rather enjoyed trying to figure out some songs with my guitar class band.

Eh... then before guitar class, I recommended some songs to play at this dance my school is going to have. Apparently, some of the students don't like classic rock, so they crossed out a lot of the stuff I RECOMMENDED, and people got mad. So they made a new list. Whateva'!

And that concludes my day. Unless you want to hear about me playing amplitude and vegitating infront of the computer listening to hours of Earthbound music.

Speaking of earthbound music, I can play this, but not as fancy: This isn't me, but this is the song and what it sounds like.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Today, I went to church, but my parents and I didn't stay for lunch and the evening services because my dad is sick and wasn't feeling good at the time.

Also, today I realized how amazing the song "Dead Boy's Poem" by Nightwish is. It's so amazing, the guitars and strings were done so well.

I also played The Sims 2. I made a Ness sim but haven't made him a house yet. I also played the sim of myself, but the only thing that happened was I lost a lot of money and burglar stole my bass, chair, and expensive painting. GRR... I'LL KILL YOU STUPID THIEF! >:O

Ahem... Then I made a replica of The Beat. My favorite cafe. I haven't put any workers or anything in it yet.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

I went to my new friend London's dad's house today, and I had a blast, we played songs with our instruments, but not together (Next time though).

Next we played hours of games like... Amplitude, Super Smash Bros Melee, In the groove, Rayman Raving Rabbids, and this one racing game that I can't remember what it was called. <.<;;

Hrmm... then her dad dropped me off at Cold Stone to be picked up by my mom, and I also got some cold stone ice cream, cake batter ice cream mixed with eggnog ice cream and graham crackers. It wasn't bad, last time I have eggnog ice cream though...

And now I'm home. Oh and I drew another Yomchibicom. It's on my dA. It's the "4 - Yomchibicom: Poke of Doom". Sadly, even though it's called "Poke of Doom" no one really dies. Sorry <_<;

Oh yeah, and my mom talked to the Cingular peoples and now the bill is like.. $145 or something, because there was a mistake doing something with us getting charged $40 for the Media Basic pack for both my sister and I, when we were supposed to be getting charged for the next pack up at the same price.
Today (Friday) other than doing a ton of Modern Health Book stuff, I went in to town with my mom and my sister to talk about the $300 Cingular bill we got. Then afterwards, we were starving, so we went to the Lin Q buffet, were I ate steamed rice, beef & broccoli, teriaki chicken, fried buttermilk bread (basically soft break with a buttload of sugar), tapioca pudding, and some chicken stuff that I didn't like.

Then we went to JCPenney's Women, and my sister was trying to find a more comfortable sweater, so I went to the shoes and I found guy shoes, and some like those slip ons that I wanted, but they only had size 12, and I'm a size 13. Then I met the tallest woman I've ever seen. I was like, "woah". But I was trying not to act strange to her towering height so I acted like she was a normal height person.

After an hour or so, my sister wanted jeans instead because she's picky, so we spend some time waiting for her to find some jeans she liked. All the jeans she liked weren't in her size, or they were just too long. So we left JCPenney's empty handed. Then afterwards, my mom was tired, but she let me go Dave's Shoes because I wanted to see if they had size 13 in that slip-on shoe I liked. They did, but I found them to be way too big, and they didn't have a size 12.

We didn't go back to JCPenney's, instead, my mom went grocery shopping at SPD, and I went to Big 5 to see if they had any black slip-on shoes. They did, and they had them in size 12 and 13. I tried size 12 and they fit, but they looked weird on me, (curse my big feet!). I then found some leather ones that looked better because they had more shape and were taller so my feet didn't look as big.

My mom bought them ($60 freakin' dollars!?) Yeah... <_<;

Um... I went home, did lots of health book for 5 hours, finished it. Celebrated briefly.

Uh... Chatted with London.

Played a couple of hours of Amplitude, I actually am getting better and noticing it.

Andnndndndandnndandndnnnnddd... Now I'm blogging after looking around on dA. Yay!

I think that is about it for me. Yup!

Tomorrow (Saturday) I am going to London's house, yaay! We're going to play games and have a good time and stuff. Woot! And she plays a wind instrument, so that's awesome. Because I wonder how that will sound with my bass when we jam. Oh and her dad plays piano. Weird combo of instruments, but hey, they all play music.

Friday, January 12, 2007



I finished the evil that is Modern Health.

Yes! It has been conquered like the evils before it. Dragons, Giygas, Rosie O'Donnel. Oh wait, she's still alive.

Hum... Yay! I'm happy. And tomorrow I'm going to London's house to play games and stuff.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bleh. Today wasn't very interesting for me :(

I got out 40 minutes early in both my algebra and journalism classes, and both teachers were absent so I had subs for each. Then I lingered around school doing almost nothing.

Then guitar class came, and then I found out that when my teacher split people up into bands, that I got the worst guitarist in the class, and the guitarist that isn't but doesn't bring his guitar to school because he doesn't have a gig bag for it, oh and I got my friend, but she's not the best at guitar, still better than the other guy though.

My sister got the guy she didn't want and his friend. They were all rocking out and stuff, and my sister doesn't really like playing that kind of music, she's more of a mellow, slow rock, bluegrass kind of style. <_<

I guess I'm ok with my band members, but my sister wants to trade bands, I'd be happy to just so she doesn't kill someone *coughbradmondaycough*

So anyways, I got home, and I felt drained. I did NOT want to do some of my Health book. So I relaxed a little by playing Amplitude. Then I found out that my mom got the cell phone bill, and we got charged $300?! WHAT?! Something to do with internet fees. But my sister and I hardly used the internet, so we're thinking it has something to do with the instant messengers on the phones.

hmm hmm hmm... I have spent about an hour or so looking for a red baseball cap with a blue bill and no logo. It's such a near-impossible task >_<
I tried and various sites that popped up when I searched "hat store"

That's it for now I guess D:

I have about three and a half chapters left in health, I'm going to do them all tomorrow, if I don't, I can't go to my friend's house on Saturday. Why do I do this to my self? I need to focus and stop procrastinating.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I just felt like posting my favorite YouTube videos.

Brookers Harry Potter Movie

Brookers My United States of Whateva


Shoes (WARNING: Foul Language)

Earthbound Saga: Chapter 1

Earthbound Saga: Chapter 2

Those aren't all of them, but those are the ones I like most.

OK, now I'm going to go practice some Amplitude.
Tonight it supposed to be the coldest California has been in a decade. And it's supposed to be that cold for about five days. Yikes. Better bundle up and drink lots of hot steamy tea D:

In other news. I've been missing my friend Matt, he's still on his cruise, and he's lucky because when he gets back (January 16th) he will have missed all this cold snap stuff.

I also I'm excited about the next semester of my guitar class, this is what I've been wanting it to do for the past two school years. Ok, the teacher is going to put all the students into randomized groups of three, these groups are going to be a band that they each get to name and be in for the rest of the semester. For the rest of the semester we have to:
  • Make our own song.
  • Do a cover of any song we want using tabulature.
  • Play a song from sheet music our teacher gives us.
  • Anything else the teacher decides to add.

After the semester is over, my school has this thing called "Open House" where the students all show off what creative means they've been doing in the school. This is when all the bands in the guitar class perform their three songs. Wow, lots of pressure and lots of fun. Who ever gets me will be lucky because I'm the only bassist in the guitar class, so I'll make one of those bands different. My only gripe will be if I get Brad Monday in my band, I very much dislike how he doesn't practice or put any dedication in guitar class, he's all showboat.

<.< >.>

So um... I'm almost done with my Health book, I really think I'll be done with it by Friday, so whoopie!

A lack of DotA, some time on deviantART, chatting with my cousin Adrian, practicing of Amplitude and SSBM, and lastly... STUFF! :D

To provoke comments. Anyone got some band name ideas? <_<
Today was fun and full of awesome events. I'd describe them, but I'm too tired...

So to put it simply, I just updated my deviantART by adding a bunch of new things to it. CLICK!

Hmm... and then I discoverd four expensive things I want to get:

Master Sword Replica

Hattori Hanzo BRIDE Sword Replica

Ultraviolet Sword


Those are possibly the three greatest sword designs EVER! IMO. >_>;

I'm excited about the iPhone. It's perfect because I was just thinking about upgrading my phone.
I'm just kinda bummed that it only has 8GB of space when I have 15GB of music :/
I guess I'll continue using my 3G iPod. Still, touch screen is IN now >_>

I hope they make a white model. I have something against gloss black.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Just a little post saying that you can now comment on my blog posts!

Because I feel like listening to the opinions of others. Even if sometimes they're confusing and rude.

Sooo... Today's SRCM is a cereal and cereal box. The cereal has only existed once to my knowledge, and it wasn't very appetizing.


Yeah, my dA account. >_>;

It's been about 5 days since I last posted anything here... No I'm not dead. <_<;

Lately I've been trying to catch up with my school work, being active on deviantART, chatting with people on AIM and IRC, and playing Defence of the Ancients on Warcraft III. Fun!

I want to go to my new friend London's house for the first time and play some rounds of Super Smash Brothers: Melee and Amplitude. She's a pretty awesome person to talk to. Well, at least for me. It's great to know other people with similar interests as you. ^_^;

My mom's friend's ex-husband bought the my favorite cafe, The Beat. And now my mom's friend quit her old job with my mom at Raley's and now runs The Beat, how exciting. Also, she's going to see how people behave for a week while working there, and then if it's not too rowdy, she was thinking about giving my sister and I some jobs there for minimum wage. Sounds pretty awesome to me. Macbook, here I come.

Oh yes, I can almost smell the factory fresh plastic. *drool*

So that's about it for me... School is ruling my life. *die*

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I can't believe I spent all this time posting on my blog and yet I failed to mention the most awesome indie artist ever! if:then:goto!

Download his album "art vs science" here.

And if you like that, download his other album "another syntax error" here. (You need bittorrent to download it though.)

It's all legal! So enjoy it all with no guilt.
Today I did a chapter of my Health book, now I have 8 more chapters left, and all of them are due by Monday.

Other than that, I ate a lot of food, cleaned my room, and listened to my iPod a lot.

Recently after getting online, I was looking up street fashion, and upon discovering a picture I found. I decided to make a section in my blog called...

Random Discoveries of the Internet[someday a picture will replace this]

My first discovery is this fat dude dressed as Sailor Moon:

I'd put more, but I can't find anything at the moment!

I will put more RDotI as I find them. Woo!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My cousin that lives in San Francisco is pretty crazy. He says no one reads his blog, since people read my blog, I decided to post a link to his blog here to disprove him :D

Yes, he doesn't exactly type out the smoothest English, but just deal with it. And lately he's been obsessed with taking "Are You Emo?" quizzes. I should never have [crossout]shown him that "How to be Emo" video on YouTube.[/crossout] explained what emo people are to him.

BTW, I added my chart on the side bar, and made a cool photoshopped image of me, also located on the sidebar.
Today I went to the first day of school after winter break and I'm very surprised that I didn't kill myself with my mechanical pencil during what could be the most boring hour of class ever.

After school, I said bye to my friends, and then my sister bought a 30GB iPod Video in White (That's right! I told her that black iPods suck because they show their scratches more).

Right now I am kind of annoyed because she only has 1.5GB of music on it, and here I am with my 15GB 3rd gen iPod and it's hard drive has 50MB left. The only reason I want her iPod is because it has a 30GB hard drive. So I've been trying to get her to trade, but she won't. Yes, I'm that evil.

Anyways, aside from me being somewhat bitter. I spent some of my day playing Jet Set Radio Future, I didn't get anywhere because today the disc decided to be stupid and freeze when it loaded a certain CG.

Afterwards I did a chapter in my health book, and tomorrow I'm going to do TWO chapters of my Modern Health Book and an ungodly amount of Algebra homework. *cry*

So yeah, here I am, with an outdated iPod, lots of school to do, and a lack of sleep. Bleh. At least I have good music to listen to.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

I have no New Year's resolutions. Sad, isn't it? Well I guess I'll go with the more popular one, lose weight. Maybe, like last year, I'll stop eating/drinking one type of food/drink. Last year it was soda (Which I have totally abandoned for Aquafina and Life Water/Vitamin Water). This year, I don't know yet.

I bought a used copy of Jet Set Radio Future for $2, it's a great game, but I have a problem with my disc, it sometimes fails to load levels, and makes skipping noises on the background sounds when it's loading stuff. But it hasn't affected the actual gameplay, so I guess it's ok. However, since I wiped the disc with rubbing alcohol, the game hasn't frozen on me once. What I find weird about this is that I see absolutely NO scratches on the bottom of the disc, it looks just like new. So strange.

Lately, I've been trying to make my wardrobe and appearance more contemporary and sleek while reflecting my interests and personality and without getting too weird... It's not easy. Especially when everything I like is expensive and I don't exactly have a very thin stomach (I'm getting close though)

Anyways, here are some clothing and accessories I kinda like:

Aside from clothing and accessories, I'm not going to bother posting one big, long and detailed post about my trip to San Fransisco, I'll just say that it was fun, and I spent a pretty big chunk of money.

Anyways, I'm going to go take a shower.